A frosty reception awaits

Officer Cadet Todd Ledwith blogs from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst about his visit to the Army Air Corps and an  imminent outdoor exercise which looks like it’s going to be a bit chilly.

Officer Cadet Ledwith

Officer Cadet Ledwith

Everyone returned from their regimental visits this week with a bolstered determination to gain a commission into their chosen choice of arm. Personally, my visit provided me with my first flight in a Lynx Mk7 Helicopter; when flying with the side door open or when 50ft from the ground this is a very exciting place to be. As well as the kit, it was great to experience the character of a deployable Army Air Corps Squadron; definitely somewhere I would love to spend my career.

As the day of the Academy Boxing event draws near, the sports hall has undergone an amazing transformation at the hands of the PT Staff. Where once gym equipment dominated the space there now sits a full-sized boxing ring illuminated by spotlights and surrounded by the ranks of seats to be filled by the hordes of spectators. Stepping foot inside drew a period of hushed reflection from those who are hoping to step through the ropes on the night; the tension is beginning to mount.

After taking my last opportunity to visit home before the end of term, thoughts turn towards Exercise CRYCHAN’S CHALLENGE, which provides us with the chance to hone our platoon attack and patrolling skills. The news came through today that temperatures have hit a low of -14oC in Sennybridge, very soon to be our home for 5 days whilst on the exercise. Our long johns and other items of thermal clothing have just become our most prized possessions as everyone considers being on sentry at 4 o’clock in the morning in these rather brisk conditions.

7 thoughts on “A frosty reception awaits

  1. Hey Todd, enjoy precious moments & Pay attention to detail when ur out or absorbing knowledge. Stay safe & know ur respected.


  2. Work hard, rest when u can. Do ur best at everything. Ur in our thoughts 24/7. Pray 2ur God, talk 2ur Guides & Angels.. Bless


  3. Glad you are enjoying most parts of the course. An honest but very entertaining account; well done. The weather in Sennybridge is controlled by RMAS so it can be guaranteed to make things ‘fun’. All the best with the fight. Look forward to swinging the lantern soon…


  4. Hey Todd, enjoy the fun side of ur army training, but pay attention 2the serious side also. Glad ur learning ur skills. Bless


  5. I have just been reading your blog updates, which I am sure will prove invaluable to me to hear the perspective of an Officer Cadet as I begin in just over 4 weeks time! Keep them up and I am sure I will probably see you there at some point!


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